Help on Lynx Keystroke Commands


Lynx recognizes many single-character commands. This is an overview to their default bindings, with links to more detailed documentation.


       Down arrow     - Highlight next topic
       Up arrow       - Highlight previous topic
       Right arrow,   - Jump to highlighted topic
       Return, Enter  - Follow selected link
       Left arrow     - Return to previous topic


       +              - Scroll down to next page (Page-Down)
       -              - Scroll up to previous page (Page-Up)
       SPACE          - Scroll down to next page (Page-Down)
       b              - Scroll up to previous page (Page-Up)
       CTRL-A         - Go to first page of the current document (Home)
       CTRL-E         - Go to last page of the current document (End)
       CTRL-B         - Scroll up to previous page (Page-Up)
       CTRL-F         - Scroll down to next page (Page-Down)
       CTRL-N         - Go forward two lines in the current document
       CTRL-P         - Go back two lines in the current document
       )              - Go forward half a page in the current document
       (              - Go back half a page in the current document
       ^              - Go to the first link on the current line
       $              - Go to the last link on the current line
       <              - Go to the previous link in the current column
       >              - Go to the next link in the current column
       #              - Go to Toolbar or Banner in the current document


       c              - Create a new file
       d              - Download selected file
       e              - Edit selected file
       f              - Show a full menu of options for current file
       m              - Modify the name or location of selected file
       r              - Remove selected file
       t              - Tag highlighted file
       u              - Upload a file into the current directory


       ? (or h)       - Help (this screen)
       a              - Add the current link to a bookmark file
       c              - Send a comment to the document owner
       d              - Download the current link
       e              - Edit the current file
       E              - Edit the current link's URL (or ACTION) and
                        use that as a goto URL.
       g              - Goto a user specified URL or file
       G              - Edit the current document's URL and use that
                        as a goto URL.
       i              - Show an index of documents
       j              - Execute a jump operation
       k              - Show list of actual key mappings
       l              - List references (links) in current document
       m              - Return to main screen
       o              - Set your options
       p              - Print to a file, mail, printers, or other
       q              - Quit (Capital “Q” for quick quit)
       /              - Search for a string within the current document
       s              - Enter a search string for an external search
       n              - Go to the next search string
       N              - Go to the previous search string
       v              - View a bookmark file
       V              - Go to the Visited Links Page
       x              - Force submission of form or link with no-cache
       z              - Cancel transfer in progress
       [backspace]    - Go to the History Page
       =              - Show info about current document, URL and link
       \              - Toggle document source/rendered view
       !              - Spawn your default shell
       '              - Toggle "historical" vs minimal or valid comment
       _              - Clear all authorization info for this session
       `              - Toggle minimal or valid comment parsing
       *              - Toggle image_links mode on and off
       @              - Toggle raw 8-bit translations or CJK mode
                        on or off
       .              - Run external program on the current link.
       ,              - Run external program on the current document.
       {              - Shift the screen left.
       }              - Shift the screen right.
       |              - Toggle line-wrap mode.  When line-wrap is
                        off, you may use { and } to shift the screen
                        left/right.  The screen width is set to 999.
       ~              - Toggle parsing of nested tables (experimental).
       [              - Toggle pseudo_inlines mode on and off
       ]              - Send a HEAD request for the current doc or link
       "              - Toggle valid or "soft" double-quote parsing
       CTRL-R         - Reload current file and refresh the screen
       CTRL-L         - Refresh the screen
       CTRL-S         - For UNIX hosts:
                        Copy the URL for the current document or link to
                        the clipboard using command in $RL_CLCOPY_CMD. as
                        illustrated in the clipboard_set function
                        of the (undated) Perl Term-ReadLine-Perl script.
                        The clipboard contents can be retrieved using Lynx's
                        PASTE_URL command (in turn, via $RL_PASTE_CMD).

       CTRL-V         - Outside of a text input line or field,
                        switch to alternative parsing of HTML.
                      - In a form text input field,
                        CTRL-V prompts for a key command (allows
                        escaping from the field).

                        Note that on most UNIX hosts, CTRL-V is bound
                        via stty to the lnext (literal-next) code but
                        the exact behavior of that is implementation
                        specific.  On Solaris you must type CTRL-V
                        twice to use it, since it quotes the following

       CTRL-U         - Inside text input line or field,
                        erase input line (more input line commands)
                      - Outside of text input or field,
                        undo returning to previous topic.

       CTRL-G         - Cancel input or transfer

       CTRL-T         - Toggle trace mode on and off
       ;              - View the Lynx Trace Log for the current session
       CTRL-K         - Invoke the Cookie Jar Page
       CTRL-X         - Invoke the Cache Jar Page
       numbers        - Invoke the prompt
                          Follow link (or goto link or page) number:
                        or the
                          Select option (or page) number: