# Default 7bit replacements. # # This table is very important and should not be excluded from the distribution # since this is a default fallback for any 8bit user's "display character set" # which (nearly) of 256 chars and could not map a rich Unicode repertoire. # # Note: there are a few rare replacement strings with trailing spaces # which should be enclosed as C strings like "... " to make things obvious # (and doing that we should escape \ as \134 and escape " as \" or \042 # but this is really rare). # #The MIME name of this charset. Mus-ascii # Like any other charset this may be selected as "display character set": #Name as a Display Charset (used on Options screen) O7 bit approximations (US-ASCII) # Shall this become the "default" translation table? YES! # There has to be exactly one table marked as "default". D1 # us-ascii characters should not normally pass here, # they are always processed directly but let declare them here: 0x20-0x7e idem # NO-BREAK SPACE, # should not happen (processed in the code): #U+00a0:NS U+00a1:! U+00a2:-c- U+00a3:-L- U+00a4:CUR U+00a5:YEN U+00a6:| U+00a7:S: U+00a8:" # COPYRIGHT SIGN: U+00a9:(c) U+00aa:-a U+00ab:<< U+00ac:NOT # SOFT HYPHEN, # should not happen (processed in the code): #U+00ad:- # REGISTERED SIGN: U+00ae:(R) U+00af:- U+00b0:DEG U+00b1:+- U+00b2:^2 U+00b3:^3 U+00b4:' # My -> u U+00b5:u U+00b6:P: U+00b7:. U+00b8:, U+00b9:^1 U+00ba:-o U+00bb:>> U+00bc: 1/4 U+00bd: 1/2 U+00be: 3/4 U+00bf:? 0x41 U+00c0-U+00c3 U+00c4:A: U+00c5:AA U+00c6:AE U+00c7:C, 0x45 U+00c8-U+00cb 0x49 U+00cc-U+00cf U+00d0:D- 0x4e U+00d1 0x4f U+00d2-U+00d5 U+00d6:O: U+00d7: * U+00d8:O/ 0x55 U+00d9-U+00db U+00dc:U: 0x59 U+00dd U+00de:TH U+00df:ss U+00e0:`a 0x61 U+00e1-U+00e3 U+00e4:a: U+00e5:aa U+00e6:ae U+00e7:c, 0x65 U+00e8-U+00eb U+00ec:`i 0x69 U+00ed-U+00ef U+00f0:d- 0x6e U+00f1 0x6f U+00f2-U+00f5 U+00f6:o: U+00f7:-: U+00f8:o/ 0x75 U+00f9-U+00fb U+00fc:u: 0x79 U+00fd U+00fe:th 0x79 U+00ff # end of latin-1 repertoire 0x41 U+0100 U+0102 U+0104 # A 0x61 U+0101 U+0103 U+0105 # a 0x43 U+0106 U+0108 U+010a U+010c # C # The following line is an example for mapping several accented versions # of small letter 'c' to 'c': 0x63 U+0107 U+0109 U+010b U+010d # c 0x44 U+010e 0x64 U+010f U+0110:D/ U+0111:d/ 0x45 U+0112 U+0114 U+0116 U+0118 U+011a # E 0x65 U+0113 U+0115 U+0117 U+0119 U+011b # e 0x47 U+011c U+011e U+0120 U+0122 # G 0x67 U+011d U+011f U+0121 U+0123 # g 0x48 U+0124 0x68 U+0125 U+0126:H/ 0x48 U+0127 # LATIN SMALL LETTER H BAR -> H 0x49 U+0128 U+012a U+012c U+012e U+0130 # I 0x69 U+0129 U+012b U+012d U+012f U+0131 # i U+0132:IJ U+0133:ij 0x4a U+0134 0x6a U+0135 0x4b U+0136 0x6b U+0137 U+0138:kk 0x4c U+0139 U+013b U+013d # L 0x6c U+013a U+013c U+013e # l U+013f:L. U+0140:l. U+0141:L/ U+0142:l/ 0x4e U+0143 U+0145 U+0147 # N 0x6e U+0144 U+0146 U+0148 # n U+0149:'n U+014a:NG 0x4e U+014B # LATIN SMALL LETTER ENG -> N 0x4f U+014c U+014e # O 0x6f U+014d U+014f # o U+0150:O" U+0151:o" U+0152:OE U+0153:oe 0x52 U+0154 U+0156 U+0158 # R 0x72 U+0155 U+0157 U+0159 # r 0x53 U+015a U+015c U+015e U+0160 # S 0x73 U+015b U+015d U+015f U+0161 # s 0x54 U+0162 U+0164 # T 0x74 U+0163 U+0165 # t U+0166:T/ U+0167:t/ 0x55 U+0168 U+016a U+016c U+016e U+0172 # U 0x75 U+0169 U+016b U+016d U+016f U+0173 # u U+0170:U" U+0171:u" 0x57 U+0174 0x77 U+0175 0x59 U+0176 U+0178 0x79 U+0177 0x5a U+0179 U+017b U+017d 0x7a U+017a U+017c U+017e U+017f:s1 U+0187:C2 U+0188:c2 U+0191:F2 U+0192: f U+0198:K2 U+0199:k2 U+01a0:O9 U+01a1:o9 U+01a2:OI U+01a3:oi U+01a6:yr U+01af:U9 U+01b0:u9 U+01b5:Z/ U+01b6:z/ U+01b7:ED 0x41 U+01cd 0x61 U+01ce 0x49 U+01cf 0x69 U+01d0 0x4f U+01d1 0x6f U+01d2 0x55 U+01d3 0x75 U+01d4 U+01d5:U:- U+01d6:u:- U+01d7:U:' U+01d8:u:' U+01d9:U:< U+01da:u:< U+01db:U:! U+01dc:u:! U+01de:A1 U+01df:a1 U+01e0:A7 U+01e1:a7 U+01e2:A3 U+01e3:a3 U+01e4:G/ U+01e5:g/ 0x47 U+01e6 0x67 U+01e7 0x4b U+01e8 0x6b U+01e9 0x4f U+01ea 0x6f U+01eb U+01ec:O1 U+01ed:o1 U+01ee:EZ U+01ef:ez 0x6a U+01f0 0x47 U+01f4 0x67 U+01f5 U+01fa:AA' U+01fb:aa' U+01fc:AE' U+01fd:ae' U+01fe:O/' U+01ff:o/' U+0200:A!! U+0201:a!! U+0202:A) U+0203:a) U+0204:E!! U+0205:e!! U+0206:E) U+0207:e) U+0208:I!! U+0209:i!! U+020a:I) U+020b:i) U+020c:O!! U+020d:o!! U+020e:O) U+020f:o) U+0210:R!! U+0211:r!! U+0212:R) U+0213:r) U+0214:U!! U+0215:u!! U+0216:U) U+0217:u) # IPA symbols, from # Linkname: FAQ: Representing IPA Phonetics in ASCII # URL: http://www.hpl.hp.com/personal/Evan_Kirshenbaum/IPA/faq.html # (corrected in Russian Cyrillic area). # (corrected in Greek area). # 0x41 U+0251 # LATIN SMALL LETTER SCRIPT A -> A U+0252:A. U+0253:b` 0x4f U+0254 # LATIN SMALL LETTER OPEN O -> O U+0256:d. U+0257:d` U+0258:@ 0x40 U+0259 # LATIN SMALL LETTER SCHWA -> @ 0x52 U+025A # LATIN SMALL LETTER SCHWA HOOK -> R 0x45 U+025B # LATIN SMALL LETTER EPSILON -> E U+025c:V" U+025d:R U+025e:O" 0x4a U+025F # LATIN SMALL LETTER DOTLESS J BAR -> J U+0260:g` 0x67 U+0261 # LATIN SMALL LETTER SCRIPT G 0x47 U+0262 # LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL G 0x51 U+0263 # LATIN SMALL LETTER GAMMA -> Q U+0264:o- U+0265:j U+0266:h U+0268:i" 0x49 U+026A U+0269 # LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL I, LATIN SMALL LETTER IOTA 0x4c U+026B # LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH MIDDLE TILDE 0x4c U+026C # LATIN SMALL LETTER L BELT U+026d:l. U+026e:z U+026f:u- U+0270:j 0x4d U+0271 # LATIN SMALL LETTER M HOOK U+0273:n. U+0274:n" U+0275:@. U+0276:&. 0x55 U+0277 # LATIN SMALL LETTER CLOSED OMEGA -> U 0x72 U+0279 # LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED R -> r U+027a:* U+027b:r. U+027d:*. 0x2a U+027E # LATIN SMALL LETTER FISHHOOK R -> * U+0280:r" 0x52 U+0280 # LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL R -> R U+0281:g" U+0282:s. 0x53 U+0283 # LATIN SMALL LETTER ESH -> S U+0284:J` U+0287:t! U+0288:t. U+0289:u" 0x55 U+028A # LATIN SMALL LETTER UPSILON -> U U+028b:r 0x56 U+028C # LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED V -> V U+028d:w U+028e:l^ U+028f:I. U+0290:z. U+0292:ed 0x3f U+0294 # LATIN SMALL LETTER GLOTTAL STOP -> ? U+0295:H U+0296:l! U+0297:c! U+0298:p! U+0299:b U+029b:G` 0x6a U+029d # LATIN SMALL LETTER CROSSED-TAIL J U+029e:k! 0x4c U+029F # LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL L U+02a0:q` U+02b0: U+02b1: 0x3b U+02b2 U+0321 U+02b3: U+02b7: U+02bb:;S 0x60 U+02bc U+02c6:^ U+02c7:'< U+02c9:1- U+02cb:1! 0x3a U+02d0 U+02d8:'( U+02d9:'. U+02da:'0 U+02db:'; U+02dc:~ U+02dd:'" 0x7e U+0303 U+0334 0x2e U+0322 U+0323 U+0324: U+0325: 0x2d U+0329 0x5b U+032a U+032b: U+0334: U+0374:' U+0375:, U+037a:j3 U+037e:?% U+0384:'* U+0385:'% # Greek letters U+0386:A% U+0387:.* U+0388:E% U+0389:Y% U+038a:I% U+038c:O% U+038e:U% U+038f:W% U+0390:i3 U+0391:A U+0392:B U+0393:G U+0394:D U+0395:E U+0396:Z U+0397:Y U+0398:TH U+0399:I U+039a:K U+039b:L U+039c:M U+039d:N U+039e:C U+039f:O U+03a0:P U+03a1:R U+03a3:S U+03a4:T U+03a5:U U+03a6:F U+03a7:X U+03a8:Q U+03a9:W U+03aa:J U+03ab:V* U+03ac:a% U+03ad:e% U+03ae:y% U+03af:i% U+03b0:u3 U+03b1:a U+03b2:b U+03b3:g U+03b4:d U+03b5:e U+03b6:z U+03b7:y U+03b8:th U+03b9:i U+03ba:k U+03bb:l U+03bc:m U+03bd:n U+03be:c U+03bf:o U+03c0:p U+03c1:r U+03c2:*s U+03c3:s U+03c4:t U+03c5:u U+03c6:f U+03c7:x U+03c8:q U+03c9:w U+03ca:j U+03cb:v* U+03cc:o% U+03cd:u% U+03ce:w% # Greek symbols U+03d0 "beta " U+03d1 "theta " U+03d2 "upsi " U+03d5 "phi " U+03d6 "pi " U+03da:T3 U+03db:t3 U+03dc:M3 U+03dd:m3 U+03de:K3 U+03df:k3 U+03e0:P3 U+03e1:p3 U+03f0 "kappa " U+03f1 "rho " U+03f4:'% U+03f5:j3 # Cyrillic capital letters U+0402:D% U+0403:G% U+0404:IE U+0405:DS U+0406:II U+0407:YI U+0408:J% U+0409:LJ U+040a:NJ U+040b:Ts U+040c:KJ U+040e:V% U+040f:DZ # Russian Cyrillic letters, transliterated U+0401:IO U+0410:A U+0411:B U+0412:V U+0413:G U+0414:D U+0415:E U+0416:ZH U+0417:Z U+0418:I U+0419:J U+041a:K U+041b:L U+041c:M U+041d:N U+041e:O U+041f:P U+0420:R U+0421:S U+0422:T U+0423:U U+0424:F U+0425:H U+0426:C U+0427:CH U+0428:SH U+0429:SCH U+042a:" U+042b:Y U+042c:' U+042d:`E U+042e:YU U+042f:YA U+0430:a U+0431:b U+0432:v U+0433:g U+0434:d U+0435:e U+0436:zh U+0437:z U+0438:i U+0439:j U+043a:k U+043b:l U+043c:m U+043d:n U+043e:o U+043f:p U+0440:r U+0441:s U+0442:t U+0443:u U+0444:f U+0445:h U+0446:c U+0447:ch U+0448:sh U+0449:sch U+044a:" U+044b:y U+044c:' U+044d:`e U+044e:yu U+044f:ya U+0451:io # end of Russian Cyrillic letters. # Cyrillic small letters (and some archaic) U+0452:d% U+0453:g% U+0454:ie U+0455:ds U+0456:ii U+0457:yi U+0458:j% U+0459:lj U+045a:nj U+045b:ts U+045c:kj U+045e:v% U+045f:dz U+0462:Y3 U+0463:y3 U+046a:O3 U+046b:o3 U+0472:F3 U+0473:f3 U+0474:V3 U+0475:v3 U+0480:C3 U+0481:c3 U+0490:G3 U+0491:g3 # These may make Yiddish slightly more readable, until we have # something better. 0x69 U+05b4 # i 0x61 U+05b7 # a 0x6f U+05b8 # o 0x75 U+05bc # u 0x68 U+05bf # h 0x3a U+05c2 # : 0x76 U+05f0 # v U+05f1:oy U+05f2:ey # U+05d0:A+ 0x23 U+05d0 # '#' U+05d1:B+ U+05d2:G+ U+05d3:D+ U+05d4:H+ U+05d5:W+ U+05d6:Z+ U+05d7:X+ U+05d8:Tj U+05d9:J+ U+05da:K% U+05db:K+ U+05dc:L+ U+05dd:M% U+05de:M+ U+05df:N% U+05e0:N+ U+05e1:S+ U+05e2:E+ U+05e3:P% U+05e4:P+ U+05e5:Zj U+05e6:ZJ U+05e7:Q+ U+05e8:R+ U+05e9:Sh U+05ea:T+ U+060c:,+ U+061b:;+ U+061f:?+ U+0621:H' U+0622:aM U+0623:aH U+0624:wH U+0625:ah U+0626:yH U+0627:a+ U+0628:b+ U+0629:tm U+062a:t+ U+062b:tk U+062c:g+ U+062d:hk U+062e:x+ U+062f:d+ U+0630:dk U+0631:r+ U+0632:z+ U+0633:s+ U+0634:sn U+0635:c+ U+0636:dd U+0637:tj U+0638:zH U+0639:e+ U+063a:i+ U+0640:++ U+0641:f+ U+0642:q+ U+0643:k+ U+0644:l+ U+0645:m+ U+0646:n+ U+0647:h+ U+0648:w+ U+0649:j+ U+064a:y+ U+064b::+ U+064c:"+ U+064d:=+ U+064e:/+ U+064f:'+ U+0650:1+ U+0651:3+ U+0652:0+ U+0660:0a U+0661:1a U+0662:2a U+0663:3a U+0664:4a U+0665:5a U+0666:6a U+0667:7a U+0668:8a U+0669:9a U+0670:aS U+067e:p+ U+0681:hH U+0686:tc U+0698:zj U+06a4:v+ U+06af:gf U+06f0:0a U+06f1:1a U+06f2:2a U+06f3:3a U+06f4:4a U+06f5:5a U+06f6:6a U+06f7:7a U+06f8:8a U+06f9:9a # Replacement strings for Ethiopic characters U+1200:he U+1201:hu U+1202:hi U+1203:ha U+1204:hE 0x68 U+1205 #:h U+1206:ho U+1208:le U+1209:lu U+120A:li U+120B:la U+120C:lE 0x6c U+120D #:l U+120E:lo U+120F:lWa U+1210:He U+1211:Hu U+1212:Hi U+1213:Ha U+1214:HE 0x48 U+1215 #:H U+1216:Ho U+1217:HWa U+1218:me U+1219:mu U+121A:mi U+121B:ma U+121C:mE 0x6d U+121D #:m U+121E:mo U+121F:mWa U+1220:`se U+1221:`su U+1222:`si U+1223:`sa U+1224:`sE U+1225:`s U+1226:`so U+1227:`sWa U+1228:re U+1229:ru U+122A:ri U+122B:ra U+122C:rE 0x72 U+122D #:r U+122E:ro U+122F:rWa U+1230:se U+1231:su U+1232:si U+1233:sa U+1234:sE 0x73 U+1235 #:s U+1236:so U+1237:sWa U+1238:xe U+1239:xu U+123A:xi U+123B:xa U+123C:xE U+123D:xa U+123E:xo U+123F:xWa U+1240:qe U+1241:qu U+1242:qi U+1243:qa U+1244:qE 0x71 U+1245 #:q U+1246:qo U+1248:qWe U+124A:qWi U+124B:qWa U+124C:qWE U+124D:qW U+1250:Qe U+1251:Qu U+1252:Qi U+1253:Qa U+1254:QE 0x51 U+1255 #:Q U+1256:Qo U+1258:QWe U+125A:QWi U+125B:QWa U+125C:QWE U+125D:QW U+1260:be U+1261:bu U+1262:bi U+1263:ba U+1264:bE 0x62 U+1265 #:b U+1266:bo U+1267:bWa U+1268:ve U+1269:vu U+126A:vi U+126B:va U+126C:vE 0x76 U+126D #:v U+126E:vo U+126F:vWa U+1270:te U+1271:tu U+1272:ti U+1273:ta U+1274:tE 0x74 U+1275 #:t U+1276:to U+1277:tWa U+1278:ce U+1279:cu U+127A:ci U+127B:ca U+127C:cE 0x63 U+127D #:c U+127E:co U+127F:cWa U+1280:`he U+1281:`hu U+1282:`hi U+1283:`ha U+1284:`hE U+1285:`h U+1286:`ho U+1288:hWe U+128A:hWi U+128B:hWa U+128C:hWE U+128D:hW U+1290:na U+1291:nu U+1292:ni U+1293:na U+1294:nE 0x6e U+1295 #:n U+1296:no U+1297:nWa U+1298:Ne U+1299:Nu U+129A:Ni U+129B:Na U+129C:NE 0x4e U+129D #:N U+129E:No U+129F:NWa 0x65 U+12A0 #:e 0x75 U+12A1 #:u 0x69 U+12A2 #:i 0x61 U+12A3 #:a 0x45 U+12A4 #:E 0x49 U+12A5 #:I 0x6f U+12A6 #:o U+12A7:e3 U+12A8:ke U+12A9:ku U+12AA:ki U+12AB:ka U+12AC:kE 0x6b U+12AD #:k U+12AE:ko U+12B0:kWe U+12B2:kWi U+12B3:kWa U+12B4:kWE U+12B5:kW U+12B8:Ke U+12B9:Ku U+12BA:Ki U+12BB:Ka U+12BC:KE 0x4b U+12BD #:K U+12BE:Ko U+12C0:KWe U+12C2:KWi U+12C3:KWa U+12C4:KWE U+12C5:KW U+12C8:we U+12C9:wu U+12CA:wi U+12CB:wa U+12CC:wE 0x77 U+12CD #:w U+12CE:wo U+12D0:`e U+12D1:`u U+12D2:`i U+12D3:`a U+12D4:`E U+12D5:`I U+12D6:`o U+12D8:ze U+12D9:zu U+12DA:zi U+12DB:za U+12DC:zE 0x7a U+12DD #:z U+12DE:zo U+12DF:zWa U+12E0:Ze U+12E1:Zu U+12E2:Zi U+12E3:Za U+12E4:ZE 0x5a U+12E5 #:Z U+12E6:Zo U+12E7:ZWa U+12E8:ye U+12E9:yu U+12EA:yi U+12EB:ya U+12EC:yE 0x79 U+12ED #:y U+12EE:yo U+12EF:yWa U+12F0:de U+12F1:du U+12F2:di U+12F3:da U+12F4:dE 0x64 U+12F5 #:d U+12F6:do U+12F7:dWa U+12F8:De U+12F9:Du U+12FA:Di U+12FB:Da U+12FC:DE 0x44 U+12FD #:D U+12FE:Do U+12FF:DWa U+1300:je U+1301:ju U+1302:ji U+1303:ja U+1304:jE 0x6a U+1305 #:j U+1306:jo U+1307:jWa U+1308:ga U+1309:gu U+130A:gi U+130B:ga U+130C:gE 0x67 U+130D #:g U+130E:go U+1310:gWu U+1312:gWi U+1313:gWa U+1314:gWE U+1315:gW U+1318:Ge U+1319:Gu U+131A:Gi U+131B:Ga U+131C:GE 0x47 U+131D #:G U+131E:Go U+131F:GWa U+1320:Te U+1321:Tu U+1322:Ti U+1323:Ta U+1324:TE 0x54 U+1325 #:T U+1326:To U+1327:TWa U+1328:Ce U+1329:Ca U+132A:Cu U+132B:Ca U+132C:CE 0x43 U+132D #:C U+132E:Co U+132F:CWa U+1330:Pe U+1331:Pu U+1332:Pi U+1333:Pa U+1334:PE 0x50 U+1335 #:P U+1336:Po U+1337:PWa U+1338:SWe U+1339:SWu U+133A:SWi U+133B:SWa U+133C:SWE U+133D:SW U+133E:SWo U+133F:SWa U+1340:`Sa U+1341:`Su U+1342:`Si U+1343:`Sa U+1344:`SE U+1345:`S U+1346:`So U+1348:fa U+1349:fu U+134A:fi U+134B:fa U+134C:fE 0x6f U+134D #:f U+134E:fo U+134F:fWa U+1350:pe U+1351:pu U+1352:pi U+1353:pa U+1354:pE 0x70 U+1355 #:p U+1356:po U+1357:pWa U+1358:mYa U+1359:rYa U+135A:fYa # ETHIOPIC SPACE U+1360 mapped to ASCII space 0x20 U+1360 0x3a U+1361 #:: U+1362::: 0x2c U+1363 #:, U+1364:; U+1365:-: U+1366::- U+1367:`? 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U+fe84:aH. U+fe88:ah. U+fe8d:a+- U+fe8e:a+. U+fe8f:b+- U+fe90:b+. U+fe91:b+, U+fe92:b+; U+fe93:tm- U+fe94:tm. U+fe95:t+- U+fe96:t+. U+fe97:t+, U+fe98:t+; U+fe99:tk- U+fe9a:tk. U+fe9b:tk, U+fe9c:tk; U+fe9d:g+- U+fe9e:g+. U+fe9f:g+, U+fea0:g+; U+fea1:hk- U+fea2:hk. U+fea3:hk, U+fea4:hk; U+fea5:x+- U+fea6:x+. U+fea7:x+, U+fea8:x+; U+fea9:d+- U+feaa:d+. U+feab:dk- U+feac:dk. U+fead:r+- U+feae:r+. U+feaf:z+- U+feb0:z+. U+feb1:s+- U+feb2:s+. U+feb3:s+, U+feb4:s+; U+feb5:sn- U+feb6:sn. U+feb7:sn, U+feb8:sn; U+feb9:c+- U+feba:c+. U+febb:c+, U+febc:c+; U+febd:dd- U+febe:dd. U+febf:dd, U+fec0:dd; U+fec1:tj- U+fec2:tj. U+fec3:tj, U+fec4:tj; U+fec5:zH- U+fec6:zH. U+fec7:zH, U+fec8:zH; U+fec9:e+- U+feca:e+. U+fecb:e+, U+fecc:e+; U+fecd:i+- U+fece:i+. U+fecf:i+, U+fed0:i+; U+fed1:f+- U+fed2:f+. U+fed3:f+, U+fed4:f+; U+fed5:q+- U+fed6:q+. U+fed7:q+, U+fed8:q+; U+fed9:k+- U+feda:k+. U+fedb:k+, U+fedc:k+; U+fedd:l+- U+fede:l+. U+fedf:l+, U+fee0:l+; U+fee1:m+- U+fee2:m+. U+fee3:m+, U+fee4:m+; U+fee5:n+- U+fee6:n+. U+fee7:n+, U+fee8:n+; U+fee9:h+- U+feea:h+. U+feeb:h+, U+feec:h+; U+feed:w+- U+feee:w+. U+feef:j+- U+fef0:j+. U+fef1:y+- U+fef2:y+. U+fef3:y+, U+fef4:y+; U+fef5:lM- U+fef6:lM. U+fef7:lH- U+fef8:lH. U+fef9:lh- U+fefa:lh. U+fefb:la- U+fefc:la. # Symbols for C0 and C1 control characters, in case they get through... U+0000:NUL U+0001:SH U+0002:SX U+0003:EX U+0004:ET U+0005:ENQ U+0006:AK U+0007:BL U+0008:BS U+0009:HT U+000a:LF U+000b:VT U+000c:FF U+000d:CR U+000e:SO U+000f:SI U+0010:DL U+0011:DC1 U+0012:DC2 U+0013:DC3 U+0014:DC4 U+0015:NAK U+0016:SYN U+0017:EB U+0018:CN U+0019:EM U+001a:SB U+001b:ESC U+001c:FS U+001d:GS U+001e:RS U+001f:US U+007f:DT # Most of these characters (80-9F) may be inflicted on us # by MS FrontPages which uses Unicode notation such as ™ # but there are no assigned letters in Unicode 128-159 range. # It is assumed in the code that those codepoints are from windows-1252. #U+0080:PA #U+0081:HO #U+0082:BH #U+0083:NH #U+0084:IN #U+0085:NL #U+0086:SA #U+0087:ES #U+0088:HS #U+0089:HJ #U+008a:VS #U+008b:PD #U+008c:PU #U+008d:RI #U+008e:SS2 #U+008f:SS3 #U+0090:DCS #U+0091:P1 #U+0092:P2 #U+0093:TS #U+0094:CC #U+0095:MW #U+0096:SG #U+0097:EG #U+0098:SS #U+0099:GC #U+009a:SC #U+009b:CSI #U+009c:ST #U+009d:OC #U+009e:PM #U+009f:AC # Let's try to show a question mark for character that cannot # be shown. U+fffd is used for invalid characters. # It works, but let's stick with UHHH representatiion. - FM #U+fffd:?