#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include PRIVATE BOOL link_has_target ARGS2( int, cur, char *, target) { LinkInfo *a = &links[cur]; OptionType *option; char *stars = NULL, *cp; int count; /* * Search the hightext strings, if present, taking the case_sensitive * setting into account. */ for (count = 0; ; ++count) { char *text = LYGetHiliteStr(cur, count); if (text == NULL) break; if (LYno_attr_strstr(text, target)) return TRUE; } /* * Search the relevant form fields, taking the * case_sensitive setting into account. - FM */ if ((a->l_form != NULL && a->l_form->value != NULL) && a->l_form->type != F_HIDDEN_TYPE) { if (a->l_form->type == F_PASSWORD_TYPE) { /* * Check the actual, hidden password, and then * the displayed string. - FM */ if (LYno_attr_strstr(a->l_form->value, target)) { return TRUE; } StrAllocCopy(stars, a->l_form->value); for (cp = stars; *cp != '\0'; cp++) *cp = '*'; if (LYno_attr_strstr(stars, target)) { FREE(stars); return TRUE; } FREE(stars); } else if (a->l_form->type == F_OPTION_LIST_TYPE) { /* * Search the option strings that are displayed * when the popup is invoked. - FM */ option = a->l_form->select_list; while (option != NULL) { if (LYno_attr_strstr(option->name, target)) { return TRUE; } option = option->next; } } else if (a->l_form->type == F_RADIO_TYPE) { /* * Search for checked or unchecked parens. - FM */ if (a->l_form->num_value) { cp = checked_radio; } else { cp = unchecked_radio; } if (LYno_attr_strstr(cp, target)) { return TRUE; } } else if (a->l_form->type == F_CHECKBOX_TYPE) { /* * Search for checked or unchecked square brackets. - FM */ if (a->l_form->num_value) { cp = checked_box; } else { cp = unchecked_box; } if (LYno_attr_strstr(cp, target)) { return TRUE; } } else { /* * Check the values intended for display. * May have been found already via the * hightext search, but make sure here * that the entire value is searched. - FM */ if (LYno_attr_strstr(a->l_form->value, target)) { return TRUE; } } } return FALSE; } /* * Search for the target string inside of the links * that are currently displayed on the screen beginning * with the one after the currently selected one. * If found set cur to the new value and return TRUE. * If not found do not reset cur and return FALSE. */ PRIVATE int check_next_target_in_links ARGS2( int *, cur, char *, target) { int i; if (nlinks != 0) { for (i = *cur + 1; i < nlinks; ++i) { if (link_has_target(i, target)) { *cur = i; return TRUE; } } } return FALSE; } PRIVATE int check_prev_target_in_links ARGS2( int *, cur, char *, target) { int i; if (nlinks != 0) { for (i = *cur - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (link_has_target(i, target)) { *cur = i; return TRUE; } } } return FALSE; } /* * Textsearch checks the prev_target variable to see if it is empty. * If it is then it requests a new search string. It then searches * the current file for the next instance of the search string and * finds the line number that the string is on * * This is the primary USER search engine and is case sensitive * or case insensitive depending on the 'case_sensitive' global * variable */ PUBLIC BOOL textsearch ARGS4( DocInfo *, cur_doc, char *, prev_target, int, target_size, int, direction) { int offset; int oldcur = cur_doc->link; static char prev_target_buffer[512]; /* Search string buffer */ static BOOL first = TRUE; char *cp; int ch = 0, recall; int QueryTotal; int QueryNum; BOOLEAN FirstRecall = TRUE; /* * Initialize the search string buffer. - FM */ if (first) { *prev_target_buffer = '\0'; first = FALSE; } QueryTotal = (search_queries ? HTList_count(search_queries) : 0); recall = ((QueryTotal >= 1) ? RECALL_URL : NORECALL); QueryNum = QueryTotal; if (direction != 0) /* * LYK_NEXT or LYK_PREV was pressed, so copy the * buffer into prev_target. */ LYstrncpy(prev_target, prev_target_buffer, target_size); if (strlen(prev_target) == 0 ) { /* * This is a new WHEREIS search ('/'), or * LYK_NEXT was pressed but there was no * previous search, so we need to get a * search string from the user. - FM */ _statusline(ENTER_WHEREIS_QUERY); if ((ch = LYgetstr(prev_target, VISIBLE, target_size, recall)) < 0) { /* * User cancelled the search via ^G. * Restore prev_target and return. - FM */ LYstrncpy(prev_target, prev_target_buffer, target_size); HTInfoMsg(CANCELLED); return(FALSE); } } check_recall: if (strlen(prev_target) == 0 && !(recall && (ch == UPARROW || ch == DNARROW))) { /* * No entry. Simply return, retaining the current buffer. * Because prev_target is now reset, highlighting of the * previous search string will no longer occur, but it can * be used again via LYK_NEXT or LYK_PREV. */ HTInfoMsg(CANCELLED); return(FALSE); } if (recall && ch == UPARROW) { if (FirstRecall) { /* * Use the current string or last query in the list. - FM */ FirstRecall = FALSE; if (*prev_target_buffer) { for (QueryNum = (QueryTotal - 1); QueryNum > 0; QueryNum--) { if ((cp = (char *)HTList_objectAt(search_queries, QueryNum)) != NULL && !strcmp(prev_target_buffer, cp)) { break; } } } else { QueryNum = 0; } } else { /* * Go back to the previous query in the list. - FM */ QueryNum++; } if (QueryNum >= QueryTotal) /* * Roll around to the last query in the list. - FM */ QueryNum = 0; if ((cp = (char *)HTList_objectAt(search_queries, QueryNum)) != NULL) { LYstrncpy(prev_target, cp, target_size); if (*prev_target_buffer && !strcmp(prev_target_buffer, prev_target)) { _statusline(EDIT_CURRENT_QUERY); } else if ((*prev_target_buffer && QueryTotal == 2) || (!(*prev_target_buffer) && QueryTotal == 1)) { _statusline(EDIT_THE_PREV_QUERY); } else { _statusline(EDIT_A_PREV_QUERY); } if ((ch = LYgetstr(prev_target, VISIBLE, target_size, recall)) < 0) { /* * User canceled the search via ^G. * Restore prev_target and return. - FM */ LYstrncpy(prev_target, prev_target_buffer, target_size); HTInfoMsg(CANCELLED); return(FALSE); } goto check_recall; } } else if (recall && ch == DNARROW) { if (FirstRecall) { /* * Use the current string or first query in the list. - FM */ FirstRecall = FALSE; if (*prev_target_buffer) { for (QueryNum = 0; QueryNum < (QueryTotal - 1); QueryNum++) { if ((cp = (char *)HTList_objectAt(search_queries, QueryNum)) != NULL && !strcmp(prev_target_buffer, cp)) { break; } } } else { QueryNum = QueryTotal - 1; } } else { /* * Advance to the next query in the list. - FM */ QueryNum--; } if (QueryNum < 0) /* * Roll around to the first query in the list. - FM */ QueryNum = QueryTotal - 1; if ((cp = (char *)HTList_objectAt(search_queries, QueryNum)) != NULL) { LYstrncpy(prev_target, cp, target_size); if (*prev_target_buffer && !strcmp(prev_target_buffer, prev_target)) { _statusline(EDIT_CURRENT_QUERY); } else if ((*prev_target_buffer && QueryTotal == 2) || (!(*prev_target_buffer) && QueryTotal == 1)) { _statusline(EDIT_THE_PREV_QUERY); } else { _statusline(EDIT_A_PREV_QUERY); } if ((ch = LYgetstr(prev_target, VISIBLE, target_size, recall)) < 0) { /* * User cancelled the search via ^G. * Restore prev_target and return. - FM */ LYstrncpy(prev_target, prev_target_buffer, target_size); HTInfoMsg(CANCELLED); return(FALSE); } goto check_recall; } } /* * Replace the search string buffer with the new target. - FM */ LYstrncpy(prev_target_buffer, prev_target, sizeof(prev_target_buffer)-1); HTAddSearchQuery(prev_target_buffer); if (direction < 0) { offset = 0; if (check_prev_target_in_links(&cur_doc->link, prev_target)) { /* * Found in link, changed cur, we're done. */ LYhighlight(OFF, oldcur, prev_target); return(TRUE); } } else { /* * Search the links on the currently displayed page for * the string, starting after the current link. - FM */ if (check_next_target_in_links(&cur_doc->link, prev_target)) { /* * Found in link, changed cur, we're done. */ LYhighlight(OFF, oldcur, prev_target); return(TRUE); } /* * We'll search the text starting from the * link we are on, or the next page. */ if (nlinks == 0) offset = (display_lines - 1); else offset = links[cur_doc->link].ly - 1; } /* * Resume search, this time for all text. * Set www_search_result if string found, * and position the hit near top of screen. */ www_user_search((cur_doc->line + offset), cur_doc, prev_target, direction); if (cur_doc->link != oldcur) { LYhighlight(OFF, oldcur, prev_target); return(TRUE); } return (BOOL) (www_search_result > 0); }